Nottingham attacks: NHS to investigate Valdo Calocane's case
Valdo Calocane was detained four times under the mental health act before killing three people.
Valdo Calocane was detained four times under the mental health act before killing three people.
The world is aging rapidly, and there are more and more ways to invest in this theme. Shams Afzal, managing director at Carnegie Investment Counsel, noted that 17% of the U.S. population is now over the age of 65, and that proportion is expected to grow higher. And the demographics of that age group is…
Pre-eclampsia affects millions of women worldwide yet is little understood, say scientists.
Sir Chris laments treatment as he gives evidence to Covid Inquiry on pandemic preparedness.
Pingpong Therapy One doctor believes table tennis can help improve the symptoms of those with neurodegenerative diseases. Fort Collins, Colorado – One doctor is prescribing ping pong for patients who have serious neurological diseases. Dr. Antonio Barbera, a former obstetrician-gynecologist who is now living with multiple sclerosis, is founder and CEO of Table Tennis Connections…
It’s a decade since a police helicopter crashed through the roof of the Clutha Bar in Glasgow. Among those there that Friday night was Michael Byrne. He helped pull survivors from the rubble at the city centre bar, where 10 people lost their lives. Although Michael managed to escape without injury, the emotional impact the…
The New York Stock Exchange welcomes Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) to the podium. NYSE Big pharmaceutical companies such as Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck and Johnson & Johnson face a looming threat that will put tens of billions of dollars in sales at risk between now and 2030, as blockbuster drugs will tumble off a…