Covid Inquiry: Abuse of experts must stop, says Whitty
Sir Chris laments treatment as he gives evidence to Covid Inquiry on pandemic preparedness.
Sir Chris laments treatment as he gives evidence to Covid Inquiry on pandemic preparedness.
Aaron James lost his nose, mouth and left eye in a work-related accident. Surgeons in New York successfully performed the reconstruction that included a whole-eye implant. His vision was not restored, but the first-of-its-kind procedure may help advance transplant medicine. “If some form of vision restoration occurred, it would be wonderful, but… the goal was…
As the old Wall Street adage goes, health care tends to underperform the stock market in presidential election years — and in recent cycles, that’s been true. But, there’s reason to believe this year that many health-related stocks, led by Eli Lilly , could defy historical convention. The S & P 500 Health Care Sector…
A lot of us know someone who has felt pretty rough with the most recent form of the virus.
Dame Sally Davies apologises to bereaved families and says the UK was poorly prepared for the pandemic.
BBC political editor Chris Mason asked Rishi Sunak if the government was challenging the full release of messages between ministers and officials during the pandemic, to the Covid inquiry, because he was worried about something embarrassing him. The PM said: “Not at all”. He said it was “right that we learn the lessons of Covid”…
Pharmacist Thomas Jensen looks over a prescription drug at the Rock Canyon Pharmacy in Provo, Utah, on May 9, 2019. George Frey | Reuters The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved Florida’s plan to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada, a first-in-the-nation move that could reduce costs for Americans but faces fierce opposition…